Kick Your Clutter
 Mini-Course Bundle

A step-by-step guide to help you clear the clutter

It's Time To Break Up With The Clutter In Your Home And Regain Your Energy 

  • how to recognize the space that you have and truly honor it
  • why you’re home doesn’t feel relaxing
  • how to create a space you enjoy spending your time in
  • how to recognize the emotional grip your stuff has on you
  • where you are using clutter as protection 

Here’s what you’ll learn in the Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle:

I Need This Now

It’s more than that. 

The Kick Your Clutter Mini Course bundle isn't just a
“how to get organized checklist” 

  • Not having to spend your time moving boxes or furniture just to get to something you need. 

  • Knowing where everything is instead of keeping a running tab in your head of where you stash things.

  • Not having your space filled with the things that you’re saving “just in case”.

Just imagine:

Having a clutter free home is how you regain your energy so you
can create, deepen your relationships,
and relax. 

The Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle helps you understand how your clutter is draining your physical, emotional and mental energy so that you can finally eliminate the power it has over you. 

What you’ll get when you purchase Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle:

Complete video trainings
on the energetic cost of clutter

Physical energy Mini Course (Value $19)
Emotional Energy Mini Course (Value $19)
Mental Energy Mini Course (Value $19)
Lifetime Access (Priceless)
All future updates (Priceless)

Get access to all of this inside of the Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle for only $19

Yes, this is so worth it! I’m in!

“Thank you, these videos are on point and magical.
I appreciate the inspiration to take action and face my truth to shift. All of these messages hit home and hit hard.”

-Paula K.

What they have to say about the Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle: 

 "I listened to the Kick Your Clutter course on Friday when I was so overwhelmed, sooooo hot and about to cry! Your words focused me and kept me going.” 

-Happy Customer

I’m here to help you regain your energy and your joy. I believe that when it comes to decluttering and organizing your home, it goes deeper than just the stuff and physical clutter that is taking up space. Your energy plays a huge part in why you have clutter, why you hold on to stuff that isn’t serving you, and why it might feel like a never ending cycle of trying to organize your home. It’s about the way that living in clutter affects your energy and I specialize in helping my clients understand how their energy is being affected by clutter and how to get it back.

The mental, physical, and emotional energy you spend trying to find the time to declutter and get your home organized can feel like a puzzle that is missing pieces and too hard to solve. This is exactly why I created the Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle. I want to help you turn your home into a safe place that feels supportive and gives you a sense of tranquility. These video modules inside the bundle are going to help you start to understand the deeper aspects of clutter and how to start getting your energy, today. 

Your fairy godmother (goddess) of banishing the clutter vampires that are sucking your energy

Hi, I'm Unison Frances, professional Organizer
and guru of what’s got to go-go. 

I Want My Energy Back

Are there any refunds?

What can I expect to get out of it?

How Does it Work?

The Kick Your Clutter Mini Course Bundle is a series of 3 pre-recorded video modules. There is one module for each of the energies. Once you purchase the bundle, you will automatically be granted access to the video modules. You will receive an email with your login information to your course portal. 

You will have lifetime access to the mini course videos and you can go through these modules anytime you’d like- they’ll be in the private membership site ready to watch, whenever and wherever you want. 


You’ll get tools, concepts and action steps to take right now to start removing the clutter in your home so you can regain your energy. You’ll also understand how clutter is affecting your life. These videos will help you start to turn your home into a relaxing sanctuary. 

Due to the digital nature of these videos, there are no refunds. But please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

If you have any questions at all, we are here and happy to help. Please send us an email 

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